ATO's focus on work-related expenses
This year, the ATO is paying close attention to what people are claiming as 'other' work-related expense deductions, so it's important when taxpayers claim these expenses that they have records to show:
- they spent the money themselves and were not reimbursed;
- the expense was directly related to earning their income; and
- they have a record to prove it. If the expense is for work and private use, the taxpayer can only claim a deduction for the workrelated portion.
Importantly, taxpayers are not automatically entitled to claim standard deductions, but need to be able to show how they worked out their claims.
Editor: ‘Other’ work related expenses are expenses incurred by employees in relation to their work that are not for travel, clothing or self-education, such as home office expenses.
Taxpayer can't explain where she got the money to pay her expenses
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has upheld
amended assessments issued by the ATO to a
beauty technician, based on the high volume of
money passing through the taxpayer's various
accounts when compared with the modest income
she had included in her tax returns.
For example, in the 2015 income year, the
taxpayer had declared income of $61,842, but
the ATO’s analysis of her bank accounts, records
of international money transfers, and casino data
suggested she had spent $107,328.
The Tribunal noted that, in cases like this, the ATO
is effectively making an "informed guess" as to the
taxpayer’s income, but, provided there is a rational
basis for the estimate, the ATO’s assessment will
stand, unless the taxpayer can:
- demonstrate the assessment was excessive; and
- establish what the correct (or more nearly correct) figure is
After hearing from the taxpayer and witnesses at
the hearing, and after reviewing the documents,
the Tribunal was not persuaded that the taxpayer
had demonstrated that the Commissioner’s
assessments were 'excessive'.
In particular, the taxpayer’s explanation regarding
her income and expenditure was not supported by
the objective facts in the hearing, being:
- the 'churn' through her bank accounts;
- the absence of contemporaneous records beyond the bank accounts (for example, she was always paid in cash without receiving pay slips); and
- the deficiency in corroborating evidence from other witnesses.
In addition to upholding the amended assessments, the Tribunal was also satisfied that the ATO's 75% administrative penalty on top of the tax payable was properly imposed.
Uber driver not an 'employee'
In a recent case, an Uber driver's access to the
Uber app had been terminated as a result of failing
to maintain an adequate overall rating, and he
applied to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for
an unfair dismissal claim against Uber.
However, the FWC held that he was an independent
contractor and not an 'employee', and therefore
his application for unfair dismissal was dismissed.
Editor: Although this was not a tax case, it is
obviously of interest to anyone involved in the 'gig
economy', and it may have flow-on implications for
other employment issues, such as super guarantee.
Government to fix a problem with reversionary TRISs
The government has released draft legislation to
ensure that a reversionary Transition to Retirement
Income Stream (‘TRIS’) will always be allowed to
automatically transfer to eligible dependants (i.e.,
upon the death of the primary recipient).
Currently, a reversionary TRIS cannot transfer to
a dependant if the dependant has not personally
satisfied a condition of release.
If this positive measure is legislated, it will apply to
reversionary TRISs from 1 July 2017.
New small business benchmarks are available
The ATO has updated its small business
benchmarks with the latest data from the 2015/16
financial year.
In addition to helping businesses to see if they
are performing within their industry average, the
benchmarks are one of the tools the ATO uses to
identify businesses that may be a higher risk.
Editor: That is, they use the benchmarks to pick their
audit targets, so please contact us if you would like
us to check whether your data is inside or outside
the average benchmark range for your industry
Guide to the new Small Business Super Clearing House
The Small Business Superannuation Clearing
House (SBSCH) joined the ATO's online services
on 26 February 2018.
This is intended to streamline how businesses use
the SBSCH, and will also include extra functionality,
such as the ability to sort employee listings and
payment by credit card.
Editor: The SBSCH is a free service that businesses
with 19 or fewer employees (or which are SBEs)
can use to comply with their super obligations.
Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.