Lodging of Taxable payments annual reports
The ATO reminds taxpayers that it is now time for them to check if their business needs to lodge a Taxable payments annual report (‘TPAR’) for payments made to contractors providing the following services:
- building and construction;
- cleaning;
- courier and road freight;
- information technology; and
- security, investigation or surveillance.
TPARs are due on 28 August each year and
penalties may apply if they are not lodged on
time. Taxpayers can help prepare for their TPAR
by keeping records of all contractor payments.
Taxpayers that do not need to lodge a TPAR this
year can submit a TPAR non-lodgment advice
form to let the ATO know and avoid unnecessary
Taxpayers can refer to the ATO’s website for more
information about TPARs, including who needs to
report and how to lodge.
Changes to deductions this tax time
Taxpayers who are small business owners
operating from home, or who use a vehicle for
business purposes, need to be aware of some
changes when claiming deductions this tax time,
including the following.
Cents-per-kilometre method – The cents-perkilometre
method for claiming car expenses
increased from 72 cents to 78 cents per kilometre
in the 2023 income year. For taxpayers using this
method, the 78 cents per kilometre rate covers
all their vehicle running expenses, including
registration, fuel, servicing, insurance, and
depreciation. Taxpayers using this method cannot
claim these costs separately.
Car limit for business owners – The car limit has
also increased to $64,741 for the 2023 income
year. The car limit is the maximum value taxpayers
can use to work out the depreciation of passenger
vehicles (excluding motorcycles or similar vehicles)
designed to carry a load of less than one tonne
and fewer than nine passengers.
Work from home business expenses – For the
2023 income year, the 'fixed rate method' (for
taxpayers operating their business from home)
increased from 52 cents to 67 cents per hour
worked from home, and taxpayers are no longer
required to have a dedicated home office space.
The fixed rate method covers electricity, gas,
stationery, computer consumables, internet, and
phone usage.
Taxpayers can also claim separate deductions for
expenses not included in the hourly rate, such as
the decline in value of depreciating assets, e.g.,
laptops or office furniture.
Editor: Please contact our office for any help
with these claims, including record-keeping
Downsizer contribution measure
eligibility has been extended
The downsizer contribution concession was
introduced to allow older Australians selling an
eligible dwelling to make additional contributions
into their superannuation fund.
Reallocation of excess
concessional contributions denied
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) has
held that there were no special circumstances
in relation to a taxpayer who made excess
concessional contributions in a financial year,
such that the ATO could allocate some of those
contributions to the previous financial year.
Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.
Broadly, the downsizer contribution concession
allows eligible individuals to make non-deductible
contributions of up to $300,000 (or up to $600,000
per couple) from the sale of an eligible dwelling
that was used as their main residence.
The downsizer contribution concession is an
attractive option for eligible individuals to boost their
superannuation entitlements, as it is not counted
towards an individual's standard contribution caps.
Also, the total superannuation balance restriction
does not apply in respect of a downsizer contribution
(so an eligible individual can make a downsizer
contribution into their super fund, regardless of their
total superannuation balance), and it is not included
in the assessable income of the receiving fund.
However, there are various eligibility requirements
that need to be satisfied in order for a downsizer
contribution to be made, and professional advice
should be sought in this regard as required.
Importantly, as from 1 January 2023, the
Government has broadened access to the
downsizer contribution concession by reducing
the minimum age requirement for accessing
this concession from age 60 to age 55. This
means that individuals aged 55 to 59 years who
were not previously eligible to make downsizer
contributions due to their age are now eligible to
make downsizer contributions if they satisfy all the
eligibility requirements.
On Wednesday, 26 June 2019, the taxpayer
arranged for contributions totalling just under
$25,000 to be made to his superannuation fund, via
a direct debit from his bank account to a clearing
house used by his fund.
However, the relevant contribution was received by
the superannuation fund on Monday 1 July 2019.
The taxpayer then made further contributions
totalling just under $25,000 to his superannuation
fund on 5 August 2019, which meant that he had
made excess concessional contributions for the
2020 financial year.
The AAT confirmed the ATO’s decision that the
circumstances did not justify some or all of the
contributions made by the taxpayer on 26 June
2019 being reallocated to the 2019 financial year.
That is, there were no ‘special circumstances’ (as
required by the relevant legislation) that would justify
the exercise of the ATO’s discretion to allocate the
contributions to the previous financial year.
While the AAT accepted that the taxpayer genuinely
intended that his contribution would be received
by his superannuation fund by 30 June 2019, he
should not have waited until 26 June 2019 to make
the contribution, as “there was nothing unusual
about the time taken to process the ... payment
made on 26 June 2019.”
Also, in relation to various events and actions of
other parties that the taxpayer submitted constituted
‘special circumstances’, the AAT noted that “an
error on the part of a third party will not on its own
amount to special circumstances.”