ATO's record-keeping tips
The ATO has reminded taxpayers that they should understand the record-keeping requirements for their business and keep accurate and complete records as they occur, as this should help them avoid penalties that may apply and reduce the possibility of the ATO denying their expense claims.
The following are some of the ATO's top tips to help businesses get it right and avoid record-keeping errors (based on common record-keeping errors the ATO sees):
- Keep accurate records of all cash and electronic transactions.
- Reconcile cash and EFTPOS sales regularly (by ensuring payments recorded internally match external records) and enter the amounts into the main business accounting software system.
- Check for mistakes if things don't add up.
- For expenses that are for both business and private use, work out and record the business portion accurately.
- If the taxpayer has used trading stock for private purposes, remember to account for the stock as if the business sold it, and include the value in the business’s assessable income.
- Don't use estimates to prepare tax returns and business activity statements ('BASs').
- If claiming credits for GST, set aside the GST in a separate ledger account to make record-keeping and calculations easier.
- Most records must generally be kept for at least 5 years — from when the record was prepared or obtained, or the transaction or related acts were completed, whichever is later. Records relating to the calculation of losses may need to be kept longer, depending on when that loss is deducted (or offset against a capital gain).
- Accurate and detailed records must also be kept when paying contractors to provide certain services on behalf of the business (so the business can easily complete its taxable payments annual report at the end of each year).
- Use the ATO's Record-keeping evaluation tool to find out how well the business is currently keeping its records.
If businesses aren't sure how this information applies to their situation, the ATO recommends they ask their registered tax or BAS agent, or contact the ATO for help. The ATO says it will help businesses get back on track if they make an error.
Input tax credits denied due to lodging BASs late
The Administrative Appeal Tribunal ('AAT') has held
that a taxpayer could not claim $91,239 of input tax
credits ('ITCs') at least partly because it lodged the
relevant BASs more than 4 years too late.
Specifically, the GST Act operates such that, if an
extension of time to lodge a BAS has not been
granted prior to the expiry of 4 years after the day
on which it was required to be given to the ATO,
the entitlement to ITCs immediately ceases.
The AAT also noted that there is no discretion
to circumvent this part of the GST Act, and the
ATO cannot provide further time to lodge a BAS
retrospectively outside of the relevant 4 year period.
It did not matter that the taxpayer was (for example)
involved in a dispute with a franchisor nor that they
were impacted by lockdown restrictions.
Therefore, the taxpayer was no longer entitled to
claim ITCs in relation to the BASs lodged by the
taxpayer 4 years after they were required to have
been given (and was also denied other ITCs for
BASs that were lodged within the required 4 year
period, as a substantial amount of the ITCs claimed
remained unsubstantiated by a valid tax invoice).
Chef spending most of a year on
cruise ships still a 'resident'
The AAT has also held that a taxpayer, an Australian
chef with over 20 years’ experience both in Australia
and overseas, was an Australian resident for
taxation purposes in the 2016 income year. Requesting stapled super fund
details for new employees
The ATO is reminding employers that, when they
have new employees that have not provided them
with their choice of super fund, super contributions
should be made into:
Editor: A stapled super fund is an employee's
existing super account which is linked, or 'stapled',
to them and follows them as they change jobs. Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.
During that year, he spent only 86 days in Australia,
being the period prior to him leaving Australia to
commence employment with a cruise ship company,
and a period during which he visited his family
between deployments.
However, the AAT noted that he had no intention
that any new place of residence be indefinite, and
he did not become a resident of a new place.
Importantly, his 'domicile' for tax purposes (being
Australia) did not change (and the AAT stated that
"a ship cannot be a domicile").
In December 2022, the ATO is releasing a solution
that enables employer software and payroll products
to request stapled super funds. That is, stapled
super enabled software will allow the employer
to request stapled super details from within their
business software, so they will no longer have to
request them separately via ATO online services.
Employers should contact their software provider
to find out if their software solution will incorporate
the stapled super functionality.
The ATO also encourages employers using the
'bulk request process' to begin discussions with
their software providers, as the ATO's current bulk
request process will be decommissioned from