Superannuation changes passed by Parliament
The government's extensive changes to
the taxation laws regarding superannuation were
passed by Parliament on 23 November 2016.
According to the Treasurer, Mr Scott Morrison:
"The superannuation reform package better targets
tax concessions to make our superannuation
system fair and sustainable, as the population
ages and fiscal pressures increase.
"The reforms include the introduction of a $1.6
million transfer balance cap, which places a limit on
the amount an individual can transfer into the taxfree
earnings retirement phase and the introduction
of the Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset".
The amendments also include the following two
new measures to provide more flexibility to help
Australians save for their retirement:
- the removal of the ‘10% rule’, allowing anyone (including employees) to claim a deduction for personal contributions into superannuation from 1 July 2017 (which will particularly help contractors who also draw income from salary and wages); and
- the ability for individuals with superannuation balances below $500,000 to make ‘catch up’ concessional contributions from 1 July 2018 (allowing them to 'tap into' unused amounts of their contributions cap from prior years, which will help those with broken work patterns – the overwhelming number of whom are women – better save for their retirement).
ATO Data matching programs
The ATO has announced it is embarking on
the following three (major) data matching programs.
Share transactions data matching program
The share transactions data matching
program has been conducted since 2006 to
ensure compliance with taxation obligations on
the disposal of shares and similar securities. The
collection of transaction history data dating back to
20 September 1985 (the introduction of the CGT
regime) is used to enable cost base and capital
proceeds calculations.
The ATO will continue to acquire details of around
61 million share transactions (in relation to 3.3
million individuals) for the period 20 September
1985 to 30 June 2018 from various sources,
including share registries (such as Link Market
Services, Computershare, Advanced Share
Registry Services , and Automic Registry Services),
and the Australian Securities Exchange Limited.
Credit and debit card data matching program.
The ATO will continue to annually acquire data
relating to credit and debit card payments to
merchants, in this case acquiring data for the
2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years from the big
four banks, as well as other banks (such as the
Bank of Queensland and the Bendigo and Adelaide
Bank) and others involved with credit and debit
card payments (including American Express, First
Data Merchant Solutions, Diners Club Australia
and Tyro Payments Limited).
It is estimated that around 950,000 records will be
obtained, including 90,000 matched to individuals
Online selling data matching program
The ATO will continue to acquire online selling
data, with an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 records
obtained relating to registrants who sold goods
and services to an annual value of $12,000 or
more during the 2016, 2017 and 2018 financial
years, from eBay Australia and New Zealand Pty
Ltd (which owns and operates
It is estimated that around half of the matched
accounts will relate to individuals.
Last chance for non-arm's length related party LRBAs
The ATO has released a taxation determination
regarding how it will apply the non-arm’s length
income (‘NALI’) rules to income generated from
assets purchased by an SMSF using a related
party 'limited recourse borrowing arrangement'
(or 'LRBA').
Although the ATO states that: "in some very limited
circumstances, the NALI provisions may not apply
to an arrangement, even though it’s not on arm’s
length terms", in their opinion, for the vast majority
of cases, if there is an LRBA that is not at an arm’s
length terms, NALI will arise and the income may
be taxed at the highest marginal tax rate of 47%.
Importantly, the ATO has given SMSFs until
31 January 2017 to 'get their house in order'. This
means that all SMSFs with related party borrowings
should review the terms of those borrowings by 31
January 2017 to consider whether they are 'arm's
length'. Please contact this office if you would like
any assistance in this regard.
Leased properties were still 'new residential premises'
The AAT has held that GST applied to the disposal
of four properties that had been built, leased and
then sold.
GST does not ordinarily apply to sale of
residential premises unless they are 'new residential
premises'. However, there is a special rule in
the GST law that states that a newly constructed
property will not be 'new residential premises' if it
has been applied only to receive residential rent
(i.e., leased out) for at least a five year period.
In this case, the taxpayer had acquired four
properties between November 2003 and August
2007, then built residential dwellings on them and,
once completed, the dwellings were leased, and
then sold between January 2011 and August 2012.
The AAT agreed with the ATO that the sales of the
four properties in question should be treated as
sales of new residential premises.
In particular, some of the dwellings had been
simultaneously marketed for sale whilst being
leased. Also, there were periods of time where
the dwellings were without a tenant.
Due to the combination of these factors, none of
the dwellings were used only for making input
taxed supplies (of residential rent) for a five year
period. Therefore, when disposed of, they should
have been treated as taxable supplies and subject
to GST.
The AAT also held that the 'margin scheme' could
not be applied to reduce the GST payable, as
the taxpayer was not able to provide any written
evidence of an agreement between her and the
purchasers to apply the margin scheme, as required
by the GST Act.
Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.