More taxpayers can access the benefits of being an 'SBE'
Recent changes to the law have expanded
the eligibility criteria for a taxpayer to be considered
a ‘Small Business Entity’ (or ‘SBE’), meaning more
businesses will be able to utilise the tax concessions
that are only available to SBEs.
Broadly speaking, for the year ending 30 June
2017, a business taxpayer will be an SBE if its
‘aggregated turnover’ is less than $10,000,000.
That is, where the business' ‘aggregated turnover’
(taking into account the turnover of the entity
carrying on the business and the turnover of its
related parties) is less than $10,000,000, it will be
able to access most of the concessions available
to SBE taxpayers, including: Access To
- the lower corporate tax rate of 27.5%;
- the SBE simplified depreciation rules, including the ability to claim an immediate deduction for assets costing less than $20,000;
- the simplified trading stock rules;
- the small business restructure rollover relief;
- deductions for certain prepaid business expenditure made in the 2017 income year;
- the simplified method for paying PAYG instalments calculated by the ATO; and
- the FBT car parking exemption;
- Expanded access to the FBT exemption for portable electronic devices;
- Ability to claim an immediate deduction for start-up expenses; and
- The option to account for GST on a cash basis and pay GST instalments as calculated by the ATO.
Note that the reduction in the SBE company tax rate to 27.5% for the 2017 income year was accompanied by a limitation on the maximum rate that such companies can frank their dividends also to 27.5%. Consequently, if an SBE company fully franked a distribution before the law changed on 19 May 2017, the amount of the franking credit on the distribution statement provided to shareholders may be incorrect (if the franked distribution was based on the 30% company tax rate). The ATO has set out a practical compliance approach for such companies to recognise the change and to notify their shareholders. Please contact this office if you would like more information about this.
Who is assessed on interest on bank accounts?
As a general proposition, for income tax purposes,
interest income on a bank account is assessable to
the account holders in proportion to their beneficial
ownership of the money in the account.
The ATO will assume, unless there is evidence to
the contrary, that joint account holders beneficially
own the money in equal shares.
However, this is a rebuttable presumption, if there
is evidence to show that joint account holders hold
money in the account on trust for other persons.
Example – Joint signatory (but no beneficial
ownership of account)
Adrian's elderly aunt has a bank account in her
name, and Adrian is a joint signatory to that account.
Adrian will only operate the account if his aunt is
unable to do so due to ill health, but all the funds
in the account are hers, and Adrian is not entitled
to personally receive any money from the account.
Adrian does not have any beneficial ownership
of the money in the account and is therefore not
assessable on the interest income.
Children’s bank accounts
In relation to bank accounts operated by a parent on
behalf of a child, where the child beneficially owns
the money in the account, the parent can show the
interest in a tax return lodged for the child, and the
lodgment of a trust return will not be necessary.
Example – Child savings account – parent
operates as trustee
Raymond, aged 14, has accumulated $7,000
over the years from birthdays and other special
occasions. Raymond's mother has placed the
money into a bank account in his name, which she
operates on his behalf, but she does not use the
money in the account for herself or others.
Raymond earns $490 in interest during an income
year and, since he has beneficial ownership of the
money in the account, he is therefore assessable
on all of the interest income.
However, as Raymond is under 18 years of age,
he will be subject to the higher rates of tax that can
apply to children. If Raymond shows the interest
in his tax return for that income year, his mother
will not need to lodge a trust tax return.
Using social media? Be aware of tax scams!
The ATO has advised that, in the lead up to tax
time, it's important to be aware of what taxpayers
share on social media.
Note that scammers may also try to impersonate
a tax agent (or their practice) and try to trick
recipients into providing personal information or
to release funds.
The ATO recommends that all taxpayers:
- ensure their computer security systems are up to date and they are protected against cyber attacks;
- keep personal information secure (including user IDs, passwords, AUSkeys, TFNs); and
- do not click on downloads, hyperlinks or open attachments in unsolicited or unfamiliar e-mails, SMS or social media.
Call ATO office if you think you've received a suspicious e-mail claiming to be from us or the ATO.
FBT: Car parking threshold
The car parking threshold for the FBT year
commencing 1 April 2017 is $8.66. This replaces
the amount of $8.48 that applied in the previous
year commencing 1 April 2016.
Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.