The Company Tax Rate Saga
In the last week of the August Parliamentary sittings,
the controversial corporate tax cut plan for the big
end of town (i.e., companies with an aggregated
turnover of over $50 million) was defeated.
In addition, long-awaited legislation impacting the
company tax and franking rates for small to medium
companies (i.e., introducing a new ‘base rate entity
passive income test’ from the 2018 income year to
qualify for the lower 28.5% tax rate) was passed.
This legislation was particularly relevant for
company rates applicable to passive investment
and ‘bucket’ companies, which may now need
to reconsider earlier lodged 2018 company tax
returns, as well as the amount of franking credits
attached to dividends paid from 1 July 2017.
Additionally, consideration may also need to be
given to the company tax rates (and in certain
circumstances, the franking rates) previously
applied with respect to the 2016 and 2017 income
This is in light of the recently issued ATO compliance
and administrative approaches for the 2016, 2017
and 2018 income years.
Editor: Unfortunately, the recent Government delays
have created much confusion in this area, and in
certain cases, a review and possible amendments
may be required for previously lodged returns.
Division 7A benchmark interest rate for 2019
The benchmark interest rate for 2019, for the purposes of the deemed dividend provisions of Division 7A and the associated complying Division 7A loan agreements, has been set at 5.20% (i.e., down from 5.30% for 2018).
Black economy recommendations will impact day-to-day business
Editor: Recently issued draft legislation has
focused on introducing new measures to manage
the growing cash economy (i.e., the ‘black
economy’) in light of the Black Economy Taskforce
recommendations and recent Federal Budget
Two of these key recommendations are outlined
Removing tax deductions for PAYG failure
The Government is currently considering removing
tax deductions where businesses fail to comply with
their PAYG withholding obligations for payments
to employees and contractors from 1 July 2019.
Specifically, deductions are proposed to be denied
for these types of payments where the payer has
failed to either:
- comply with their obligations in relation to withholding from these payments; or
- notify the ATO of the withholding amount (i.e., via their BAS).
Interestingly, deductions will only be denied if no
withholding took place or no notification has been
That is, incorrect amounts withheld or reported to
the ATO will not impact a taxpayer’s entitlement
to deductions.
Further expansion of the taxable payments
reporting system (‘TPRS’)
The TPRS was introduced for the first time in the
2013 income year with respect to businesses in
the building and construction industry, requiring the
reporting of total payments made to contractors
for building and construction services each year.
The taxable payments annual report is due by 28
August each year.
Legislation is currently being considered by
Parliament to extend the TPRS to the cleaning and courier industries from the 2019 income year.
Furthermore, draft legislation has now been
released to further expand the TPRS to the following
industries from the 2020 income year:
- security providers and investigation services;
- road freight transport; and
- computer system design and related services.
Crowdfunding donations to help drought-affected farmers
Editor: The ATO is currently offering various
support measures to individuals and businesses
from drought-affected communities to help with
managing their tax and super obligations or who
are struggling with their mental health.
It has also recently provided a summary of the
potential tax impact of making donations to, or
raising funds via a crowdfunding platform for
drought relief (as outlined below).
For taxpayers wishing to make a contribution to a
drought relief fund, it is important to be aware of
the tax implications associated with making such
For example, donations of $2 or more to an
organisation that is a deductible gift recipient will
be tax deductible.
To check to see if a particular appeal is a registered
charity, the ATO has advised that taxpayers should
use the ‘ABN lookup’ function on the Australian
Business Register website before donating.
For those looking to raise funds through
crowdfunding platforms to assist their farming
business, payments received from the crowdfunding
platforms may be assessable income, depending
upon how the funds are used
- Where the funds are used for emergency relief (i.e., such as food and clothing), then the amounts are not assessable.
- Where the funds are spent on deductible expenses (i.e., such as purchasing feed for livestock), the amount is assessable income, but will be offset by the relevant deductions obtained, ensuing there is no net taxable outcome.
Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.